People Like Us - First Person, Fourth Wall: First Person, Fourth Wall with People Like Us

Fourth Wall (2020, 15'11"), a new site specific wide screen movie, reflects upon the illusion of separateness. The title addresses the experience of illusory duality constructed by the mind, which is replicated through the lens of the camera, the stage, and the surface of the page, movie or computer screen.  Through the viewing, cutting and editing of hundreds of pre-existing movies, Vicki searches for multiple and parallel narratives and collages these together to create a flowing stream of consciousness, attempting to breakdown this wall and reveal what she perceives as a greater reality and oneness beyond relativity.  Available to view in the gallery for the entirety of the exhibition, short excerpt below, click bottom right to expand the size.

People Like Us (musician)

Recyclopaedia Britannica, by People Like Us

Since 1991, Vicki Bennett has been repurposing pre-existing footage to craft a/v collages, seeing sampling as folk art in the age of mechanical reproduction, with all of the sharing and cross-referencing incumbent to a populist form. Embedded in her work is the premise that all is interconnected and that claiming ownership of an “original” or isolated concept is both preposterous and redundant

People Like Us biography |
